Friday, May 19, 2023

Who in European space will ask the impertinent question: How much would it cost to add a second Vulcain to the Ariane 5/6?

 Copyright 2023 Robert Clark


ArianeSpace Needs to Transition to Reusability to Survive.

 European space advocates have been lamenting that there seems to be no near term route to keeping up with SpaceX, getting reusable launchers, and towards achieving manned space flight. However, in point of fact ESA already has the components to form a launcher comparable to the Falcon 9 and at lower price, while keeping pace with SpaceX in reusability, and in manned spaceflight.

 All it would require is someone, anyone in the Europeans space community to ask the impertinent question, "How much would it cost to add a 2nd Vulcain to the Ariane 5/6?"

  For once that question is asked, and ArianeSpace forced to answer honestly, they would have to admit it could be done for only a development cost in the range of only ~$200 million. But then it would become obvious how to proceed.

 First, note that the Ariane 6 that was planned to compete with the SpaceX Falcon 9 has been pushed back to 2024, when its original launch date was in 2020, extending the time where SpaceX is cornering the market. Note also the Ariane 6 will not be reusable. In fact ArianeSpace has admitted they won't be fielding a reusable launcher until the 2030's. 

 ULA was driven to the brink of bankruptcy by denying the importance of reusability. There is little doubt the same will happen to ArianeSpace if they wait a decade to field a reusable vehicle. Independent European space observers have also made this point about the choice of the non-reusable Ariane 6:

Europe’s lack of rocket ‘audacity’ leaves it scrambling in the space race
European policymakers want to stop SpaceX from dominating the launch market.
That 2014 decision haunts French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire, who keeps a warning of that moment on his desk.
“The European space adventure is magnificent, but in 2014 there was a fork in the road, and we didn’t take the right path,” Le Maire told a conference last September. “We should have made the choice of the reusable launcher. We should have had this audacity.”

 The Fast Route to Reusability.

 The problem with reusability for the Ariane 5 and 6 is they use solids for a large portion of their takeoff thrust. These large side boosters also make up a large portion of the cost. In fact, the situation has actually gotten worse with the Ariane 6. But the Space Shuttle program demonstrated you don't save on reuse with solid side boosters. By the time you fish the SRB's out of the ocean, tow them to port, transport them from port back to the manufacturing facility, clean them out from all the burnt on combustion products, and then finally refill them with propellant, the cost is no better than just using new ones to begin with. A little thought makes it easy to see why. Solid side boosters are just a filled in metal pipe. The cost of that metal pipe is small compared to all the processing involved in making the SRB. Keeping the same metal pipe but increasing all the needed steps for processing does not reduce the cost of the SRB.

 So to get the low cost reusable rocket you have to dispense with the SRB's. Necessarily that means you have to use additional liquid-fueled core engines. Then is adding an additional core engine a multi-billion dollar, or euro, development? 

 No! I was quite startled to find JAXA was able to add an additional hydrolox engine to the H-II first stage for only an approx. $200 million development cost.

 See the highlighted passage in this article where the cost to add another engine to the H-II was only 27 billion Yen, about $200 million: 

 But that means instead of the multi-billion current development cost of the Ariane 6, the same could have been accomplished for just a few hundred million and would also have been reusable! I made this point here:

 Thus the importance of asking that impertinent question of ArianeSpace, "How much to add an additional Vulcain to the Ariane 5/6?"

WHY Are the Far More Expensive SRB's Used Rather then the Cheaper Liquid-fueled Engines? 

 Knowledgeable ESA observers have been aware for awhile now that the ESA policies for distributing funds and costs to the differing member states do not result in the most cost effective vehicles. It’s a policy called geographical-return that requires member states costs to be apportioned by some set proportion of the billion dollar development costs. So if some member states have been contributing some large proportion of the costs through solid side boosters, that cost continues to be part of the development for new rockets or upgrades.

 The governments of the member states regard this as a good thing because it helps to keep active, and paid, the space industries and space industry employees in their countries. But another key reason why some member states like the funds for the ESA to go to develop solid rocket side boosters is because those funds help also to develop solid rockets for their defense programs. So rather than those countries having to pay the entire cost of the solid rocket missiles in their defense programs on their own, some portion of that is actually paid for by the ESA in developing solid rocket side boosters for space launchers.

 You can see why there is a great incentive for those member states, which have great influence on the direction and funding choices for the ESA, to continue to want to use solid rocket boosters in all launchers produced by the ESA.

 But the stunning fact is how much more expensive the solids are for the Ariane 6 than just adding another Vulcain engine! The latest cost figures for the Ariane 6 are the €75M for the two SRB version and €115M for the four SRB version

 This suggests, as a first order estimate, that we can take the cost of two SRB’s as €40M. But the cost of a single Vulcan is only €10 million! So the two SRB’s on the Ariane 6 base version costs 4 times more than an additional Vulcain! Therefore, again as a first order estimate, we can take the cost of a two Vulcain Ariane 6 with no SRB’s as only €45 million, ~$50 million. This compares quite favorably to current $67 million cost of the Falcon 9.

 The reason why this isn’t done can not be attributed to some supposed multi-billion development cost to add an additional Vulcain to the Ariane core. Actually, it’s the current plan for the Ariane 6 with the newly developed solids, new upper stage, and new Vinci engine whose development cost is in the $4+ billion range. It’s really quite stunning to realize the same could have been accomplished at only a ~$200 development cost simply by adding another Vulcain to the Ariane 5 core, using the same original cryogenic upper stage. Nearly a factor of 20 times cheaper!

 But nobody knows this because nobody asks that one simple question, “How much would it cost to add a second Vulcain to the Ariane 5/6?”

 Now, once you have the all-liquid Ariane 6 that costs even cheaper than the Falcon 9, you can also keep up with SpaceX in reducing price by reusability by also reusing the core stage via powered landing a la the F9 booster. Again, the solids in the current Ariane 6 version would not save on reusing them as the Space Shuttle program abundantly showed. So that huge €40 million cost just for the SRB’s on the Ariane 6(more than the cost of the entire rest of the rocket!) out of the total  €75 million would be fixed no matter how many times you wanted to reuse the core.

 It might be argued that even a fully throttled down single Vulcain would have too much thrust for a hovering landing. Actually, this is the case also with the Falcon 9. It uses what SpaceX calls "hover-slam" for landing. The thrust is precisely timed so the booster just reaches 0 velocity as it touches down. Actually, I'm not a fan of "hover-slam". Much better for the Ariane case would be to use two Vinci engines for the landing only. It is designed to be air-startable and restartable. It weighs without the nozzle extension for vacuum use only 160 kg. So two would weigh only 320kg on the first stage. It's use would allow true hovering landing for the first stage.

Three Vulcains on the Ariane 5/6 Match the Falcon 9 in Payload at a Lower Price.

 The two Vulcain Ariane 5/6 would have lower payload than the Falcon 9. But it would be quite competitive for the lucrative geosynchronous transfer orbit(GTO) used by many communications satellites, at ~6,000 kg to GTO at lower price than the F9. The F9 is at about 8,000 kg to GTO. But most satellites don't need this full capacity anyway.

 However, if we used three Vulcains we could then match the Falcon 9 in payload and still be at lower price. This comes from again using the first order estimate of €40 million for the two SRB's. So the Ariane 6 with no SRB's would be €35 million, as a first order estimate. So adding on two Vulcains would be €55 million, as a first order estimate. But this is still less than the $67 million price for the Falcon 9.

 In an upcoming blog post I'll discuss further the three Vulcain case showing it can match the Falcon 9 in payload. Intriguingly, by using multiple copies of such 3 Vulcain cores, I estimate 4 to 6, you can also get a 'superheavy' lift vehicle capable of 100-tons to LEO, a 'moon rocket'. Using multiple copies  of already existing cores allows you to get the 'superheavy' lift at far less development cost than the $20 billion of the SLS, or the $10 billion of the ill-conceived Superheavy/Starship.

 Manned Launchers.

 Finally, in regards to manned launchers, just use the all-liquid Ariane 6 since you no longer have the safety issues of using SRB’s on manned launchers.

  Robert Clark


Anonymous said...

2 vulcains Ariane 5 have previously been considered, mostly in the early 90s in the context of Hermes's growing mass, studies have shown you could stretch the core and add a second Vulcain and A5 could reach about 30 tons to LEO, so it's definitely *possible*, once Hermes was cancelled, performances improvement focused on improving the upper stage. ( ; also Abeelen, Luc van den's Hermes book)

Some nitpick: the A6/Vega P120C don't have a metallic structure but instead a composite one, that's more expensive, also less likely to be reusable.

I wouldn't take the official prices at face value, Vulcain has been historically quoted for €10-15, Cost of P80/P120C have historically been appeared in the €10-20 million range, I think it's better to think of them as withine equivalent range.

I also would be careful about *direct* comparison between the H-series and Ariane, H launchers have been quite remarkably industrially integrated within Mitsubishi & Nissan/IHI, something which only improved with H3 (arguably almost as vertically integrated as SpaceX), they also were developped under a single agency (NASDA then JAXA) within a single country, instead of Ariane being made by a multinational company (AG) using multinational ESA funding and orders, with the influence of a private company (Arianespace) and of individual agencies (mostly CNES), of course the approach has been streamlined since 2014 and A6 but old habits die hard, in the end Japanese launchers have much more industrial flexibility than european ones.

Vulcain is just not the engine for reuse, it's air starteable only with with significant changes, it's NOT throttlable, it's dubiously restartable, Recovered Ariane 5 cores have been the subject of many, many studies , and nearly all of them involved flyback boosters which wouldn't restart the vulcain at any point and would fly back using different engines (see: ADELINE, Bargouzine, LFBB...) Using 2 Vinci (thrust SL in the 20-30t range, enough for a soft landing of the core, but not a hoverslam) reminds me a bit of the DC-X's RL10 ah, a better idea but I still believe a flyback booster would work best.

I am extremely dubious of the claims that a Two-vulcain (or even 3) vulcain A6 would have any useful payloads, A62 already struggles to reach its target performances, removing the SRB would only crash it further, especially with such a tiny lift off TWR (2 vulcain = 208 tons SL thrust, Ariane 6 with 2 engines without SRB and with fairing >= 206 tons)

This is just quick math using "Launcher analysis and cost benefits" Calabro, Gizzi, 2018 and Silverbird's calculator. A 3 vulcain (1 vulcain = 2000 kg mass, ignoring thrust structure changes) Ariane 6 (312 SL tons thrust) gives me 11.5 tons to LEO (with that paper's optimistic S2 mass numbers, which are definitely below the reality) and 4500 kg to GTO, these are *optimistic* numbers, but definitely below your 6000 kg or the performances of any F9, I'd like to see your methodology.

SRBs are safe, P120C is monolithic, that removes the whole problem of joints. I think Challenger unjustly painted SRBs as more dangerous than they really are.

One of the main deal behind Ariane 6 is that Avio, AG and their joint ventures could produce about 35-40 P120C per year, that's jobs in Rome, Bordeaux, Brussels, Guyana. You can't just change that without a lot of negociations and compromises.

Despite that I do believe you have a good idea, H3 seems to me as what A6 should have been in part thanks to its SRB-less 3 engines version, Arianegroup also seems interested in that since they have a 2 Hydrolox Prometheus (similar thrust as Vulcain, I'd note these only exist on paper, unlike methane prometheus) Ariane 6 in studies, ( using Reusable Methane Liquid boosters. I think this is what AG will pursue if they have the funding. I think that the Vulcains are outdated engines and they should be ditched ASAP.

Anonymous said...

You have confused cost and price. $67M is a price that SpaceX has been known to charge for an F9 launch. It is by no means the actual cost to SpaceX to build and launch an F9. It is already lower than any competition, and quite frankly they don’t have any competition to put pricing pressure on them at the moment. It is safe to assume that SpaceX has a very fat profit margin even charging $67M, I’m sure they could go lower.

A company like ArianeGroup/Space, with all its legacy baggage, pseudo government support for decades, and constraints of ESA funding with geological return to member states, will never, truly never, be able to do anything cheaper or faster than a private enterprise like SpaceX. Never, ever.

Robert Clark said...

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'd like to hear an independent assessment of my payload values. The numbers I'm starting with are somewhat different than yours which may account for our different estimates for payload.

First, your 208 tons sea level thrust value for two Vulcains is good for my purposes because I was taking it to be only in the range of ~190 tons. So I needed to assume the Vulcain thrust could be ramped up ca. 9% as was shown possible with the SSME's and the RS-68 engine on the Delta IV rocket. Then I asserted for the Vulcain likely the same would hold on, as they are all hydrolox engines. But a 208 tons total sea level thrust number means I don't have to assume the Vulcain sea level thrust ramped up.

Note also I was originally trying to find a lower cost approach to the Ariane 6, so I actually used the Ariane 5 core. BUT because of my thrust constraints I chose to use the original, somewhat smaller version the Ariane 5 "G" core at 12 ton dry mass and 158 propellant mass.

For the upper stage, again because of limited take off thrust constraints I did not use the current ESC-A cryogenic upper stage, at ~19 ton gross mass. I also did not like that the ESC-A had such a poor mass ratio at only 5 to 1. I used instead the Ariane 4's H10 cryogenic upper stage:

Specifications are given in H10/H10+/H10-3 order.
Designation: H10/H10+/H10-3
Engine: single cryogenic open cycle SEP HM-7B
Length: 10.73 m/11.05 m/11.05 m
Diameter: 2.60 m
Dry mass: 1,200 kg/1,240 kg/1,240 kg, excluding interstage 2/3
Oxidizer: liquid oxygen
Fuel: liquid hydrogen
Propellant mass: 10,800 kg/11,140 kg/11,860 kg
Thrust: 63 kN vac/63.2 kN vac/64.8 kN vac

Note that in addition to being lighter this has a much better mass ratio at over 10 to 1, rivaling the famous Centaur upper stage.

Also, since the hydrolox upper stage engine used the HM-7B is analogous to the RL-10, we may also assume that, like the RL-10, we can get a 110 kN vacuum thrust and ~465s vacuum Isp just by adding a nozzle extension.

So redo your payload estimate assuming an Ariane 5 "G" core at 12 ton dry mass and 158 propellant load, with the two Vulcains. And for the cryogenic upper stage use Ariane 4's H10 stage at ~1.2 ton dry mass, and ~11.8 propellant mass, but giving the engine a nozzle extension to get a 110 kN thrust and 465s Isp.

About the Vulcain's further use, the head of ArianeSpace has admitted they won't field a reusable launcher until the 2030's. Announced pricing of the Ariane 62 and Ariane 64 is 2 to 3 times the $40 million price of the reused Falcon 9. I don't think ArianeSpace can survive a full decade when the price for their launcher is that much worse than the reused F9.

Then another advantage of the all-liquid approach is how quickly it can be fielded since the engines and stages already exist.

For reusability, I think using two Vinci's would be the best approach for powered landing. I really dislike the "hover-slam" approach. I am open to winged reusability, but I favor a quick approach to reusability to pace with SpaceX.

About the political problem of removing so much revenue from the member states that produce the solids. I admit I don't have a solution to that problem.

Robert Clark

Robert Clark said...

Like ULA being driven to the brink of bankruptcy by denying the importance of reusability, the same could happen to ArianeSpace if they don't implement reusability quickly. I can only hope the member states not so wedded financially to the use of the solids won't allow that to happen.

Robert Clark

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