Sunday, January 5, 2020

Pumping pressurized fluids to high altitude for the space tower and for fighting forest fires, Page 5: further on laminar flow.

Copyright 2020 Robert Clark
(Patents Pending)

 In the blog post, Pumping pressurized fluids to high altitude for the space tower and for fighting forest fires, Page 3: achieving ultimate laminar flow, I discussed using laminar flow to achieve long distance water streams, either with piping or without. 

 If we are to achieve it without piping over kilometer distances then we can use the staging idea to have laminar flow inducing devices along the flow path along with the staged pumps. This would reduce the length the water had to remain laminar while not constrained within a pipe.

 For the method that does use piping, some notable recent research is that flow that has turned turbulent can be converted back in laminar flow:

New approach can save up to 95 percent of energy used for pipelines.
Study proves that turbulent flow can be destabilized so that it turns to an energy-saving laminar flow
Date: January 8, 2018

 Also, notable is that flow in microfluidic channels are commonly laminar:

CHEM-ENG 590E: Microfluidics and Microscale Analysis in Materials and Biology

 Then you would use large numbers of the microchannels bundled together to get the needed water flow.

   Bob Clark

UPDATE, 1/11/2020:

 The possibility of raising the pipe or the free water stream to high altitude in stages, also raises the possibility of covering the needed horizontal distance in stages. This is important because of having to keep a pipe aloft horizontally over kilometer distances raises a significant weight issue.

1 comment:

Gary Johnson said...

In fire protection systems of high-rise buildings, they use a fire pump every several stories to keep the individual pressure rises a bit under 175 psi so that adequate pressure is available before reaching the next pump. That's "staged pumps" in action for several decades now. Pipes are typically sized such that flow velocities never exceed about 4 ft/sec. With water, that's laminar flow. For several decades now. All done with ordinary materials and equipment. Such as schedule 40 pipe for the mains that are usually only 6 to 10 inches nominal size. -- GW

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