Thursday, January 25, 2024

Towards Every European Country's Own Crewed Spaceflight, Page 2: saved costs and time using already developed, operational engines.

 Copyright 2024 Robert Clark

Vulcain-based launchers.

 ESA head Josef Aschbacher made the remarkable statement that the Ariane 6 can not be guaranteed to be the launcher of choice in the European launch market:

“We are worried,” says European rocket chief at prospect of launch competition
On the continent, Ariane 6 may be the last launcher with a monopoly.

 In the blog post, "Towards Every European Country's Own Crewed Spaceflight", I suggested any European country could build their own manned spaceflight capable launcher by buying an Ariane 5 or 6, disposing of the side boosters, and adding 1 or 2 additional Vulcain engines to the core. ArianeSpace might raise a squawk however since it would be using their tech to build a direct competitor to the Ariane 6 and at a cheaper price in not using the large, expensive side boosters.

 Another approach might be to design their own launcher designed around the Vulcain engine. The Vulcain engine developer Snecma, now Safran Aircraft Engines, is independent of ArianeSpace so likely the Vulcain could also be purchased from Safran. Purchasing an already developed and operational engine would save on costs since engine development is typically the biggest development cost for a new launcher. See for example this breakdown on the costs of the Ariane 5:

Development budget

Again, Ariane 5, from 'Europäische Tragerraketen, band 2', Bernd Leitenberger:

Studies and tests 125
solid boosters 355
H120 first stage 270
HM60 (Vulcain) engine and test stands 738

other elements of the first stage and boosters 95
upper stage and VEB 200
ground support in Europe 80
Buildings and other structures in Kourou (launch pad) 450
Test flights 185
Total 2498
ESA and CNES management 102

 For our scenario we would not be using solid rockets. So that rather large cost would be saved. Note also in our scenario using the already developed and fully operational Vulcain, the engine development costs and test stand costs would also be saved. For the Ariane 5, the ESA also built entire new launch facilities in Kourou, Guyana in equatorial Africa. For this new launcher we'll assume it will use the already constructed launch facilities at Kourou, or the country where the new launcher is being developed would construct an independent launch facility for their nascent space industry.

 To sure, we'll assume this new launcher would be developed using the commercial space approach spearheaded by SpaceX. SpaceX demonstrated development costs could be cut by a factor of 10 following this approach:

Falcon 9.
In 2011, SpaceX estimated that Falcon 9 v1.0 development costs were on the order of US$300 million.[39] NASA estimated development costs of US$3.6 billion had a traditional cost-plus contract approach been used.[40] A 2011 NASA report "estimated that it would have cost the agency about US$4 billion to develop a rocket like the Falcon 9 booster based upon NASA's traditional contracting processes" while "a more commercial development" approach might have allowed the agency to pay only US$1.7 billion".[41]

  Now, several companies world-wide have also shown that following the commercial space approach of using private financing can cut development costs by a factor of 10.

 The total development cost of the Ariane 5 was $2.5 billion in 1990's dollars. Now take into account the costs that wouldn't need to be included, solid booster development, engine development, and launch facilities. This reduces the development cost to $955 million in 1990's dollars. Now consider by following the commercial space approach this could be cut by a factor of 10 to ca. $95 million, or about $200 million in 2024 dollars. Quite remarkable also in particular is the development of the core stage without engines could be done for only about $54 million.

 So an approx. 10 ton payload capacity all-liquid launcher could be developed for approx. $200 million, by using already developed and operational engines. This launcher would have the advantages, by not using solid rocket boosters, of being capable of reusability and being made manned flight capable.

 Quite surprising also is how quickly such a manned-flight capable launcher might be developed. ArianeSpace could develop it the most quickly, probably in less than a year. All it would have to do is acknowledge large solid side boosters are not price competitive. As I discussed previously, JAXA showed with its H-II rocket, an additional engine can be added to a core stage for less than $200 million. And SpaceX showed with its Raptor engine that additional Raptors can be added to a core stage on a time scale of just months, not years, even if a new thrust structure is required to accommodate the new engines. 

 But even for those countries making the new launcher from scratch quite surprisingly it could also be done quite rapidly, assuming it used an already developed and operational engine. A fact not generally appreciated is how rapidly SpaceX was able to develop the Falcon 9 rocket by using the already developed and operational Merlin engine. After the first successful flight of the Falcon 1 in 2008, SpaceX built and successfully launched the Falcon 9 in only two years in 2010. Note because the Falcon 9 had a larger diameter and used 9 engines instead of just one, SpaceX had to use completely different tooling in constructing the Falcon 9.

 Then following the SpaceX example, and the SpaceX commercial space approach, a company could build and launch a 10-ton payload capable launcher in only 2 years by using already developed and operational engines.

Methane-fueled Prometheus-based launchers.

 ESA has received much criticism in not keeping up with SpaceX on reusability. The Ariane 6 in fact won't be reusable and it is now acknowledged it won't be competitive to the SpaceX Falcon 9 in price, necessitating hundred million dollar subsidies yearly to stay afloat. 

 Recognizing the need for reusability in future launchers, ESA has begun the development of the methane-fueled, reusable Prometheus engine. And through its subsidiary Maiaspace, ArianeSpace is developing an all-liquid reusable launcher using the Prometheus engine for launch:

ArianeGroup to Increase MaiaSpace Investment to €125M

 The MaiaSpace launcher will be capable of about 1,500 kg payload to LEO as an expendable rocket, using three Prometheus engines at ca. 100-ton thrust capability. It is expected to make its first launch in 2025.

 It is illuminating to make a comparison to the early development of SpaceX. The Falcon 1 had an approx. 600 kg to LEO capability using a single ~100-ton thrust Merlin engine. It had its first successful launch in 2008. Remarkably just 2 years later in 2010, SpaceX had the 9 Merlin-engine Falcon 9 rocket make a successful launch at a ca. 10-ton payload to LEO capacity.

 Then following the SpaceX example, MaiaSpace using 9 Prometheus engines could have a 10-ton to LEO capable launcher available in 2027. This could be man-rated to be manned flight capable.

 Then going by the SpaceX example of the $300 million development cost of  Falcon 9, and considering engine development cost makes up the bulk of launcher development cost, any European country using an already developed and operational Prometheus engine could have a 10-ton to LEO capable launcher at less than $150 million development cost following the commercial space approach.

 And again following the SpaceX example such a launcher could be built and launched within 2 years.

Manned Space Capsules.

 ESA has announced opening a competition among European companies for cargo capsules to deliver supplies to the ISS, with manned capsules to follow in development:

ESA to start commercial cargo program
Jeff Foust
November 6, 2023

 SpaceX and Orbital Sciences, now a subsidiary of Northrup Grumman, with their Dragon and Cygnus cargo capsules, showed space capsules like launchers also could be developed at costs 1/10 that of the usual government-financed ones following the private financing approach of commercial space. 

 Then I advise the European companies entering the competition follow the commercial space approach in developing their space capsules. They could accept seed funding from ESA to get started, but the bulk of the development costs should come from private funding. Note that winning these seed dollars from the ESA could be used as a selling point in acquiring the private funding.

 According to the SpaceNews article the cargo capsules are expected to be ready by 2027 or 2028. It is notable that this is around the same time MaiaSpace might be able to have a 10-ton to LEO capable launcher ready. 

 Because of this I advise the cargo capsules and manned capsules be developed concurrently. It is my thesis that manned capsules can also be developed at costs in the few hundred million dollars cost range by following the commercial space approach as found with cargo space capsules.

 It is notable in this regard that when SpaceX accepted NASA funding for the development of the manned version of the Dragon capsule, costs ballooned to the billion dollar range. I'm arguing the costs were that high because NASA was paying for it.

  Robert Clark

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Possibilities for a single launch architecture of the Artemis missions, Page 4: lightweight landers from NRHO to the lunar surface.

 Copyright 2024 Robert Clark

 Congress is becoming increasingly concerned that with the continuing delays of the Artemis missions that China may beat the U.S. back to the Moon:

US must beat China back to the moon, Congress tells NASA.
By Mike Wall 
'It's no secret that China has a goal to surpass the United States by 2045 as global leaders in space. We can't allow this to happen.'

 I had previously proposed correcting an error in the design of Orion's service module that instead of making it larger than Apollo's service module because of Orion's twice larger size, instead made it 1/3rd smaller:

Possibilities for a single launch architecture of the Artemis missions, Page 2: using the Boeing Exploration Upper Stage.

 The proposal was to give an additional approx. 10 tons propellant to the service module. This would allow the Orion capsule/service module stack plus an Apollo-size lander to be carried all the way to low lunar orbit, not just to NRHO(near-rectilinear halo orbit). 

 This though because of the higher payload may require use of the higher thrust J-2X engine on the Boeing EUS(upper stage) rather than the 4 RL-10 engines now planned on the SLS Block 1B. It's higher thrust would result in a greater payload to LEO and TLI, perhaps to ca. 120 tons to LEO rather than the 105 tons planned to LEO.

This approach requires additional propellant tanks be added to the service module and a change in the EUS upper stage engine to the J-2X. As I discussed in that blog post, it may also require an additional Centaur V sized third stage be added atop the Boeing EUS. This is dependent on what is the TLI(trans lunar injection) payload for the Boeing EUS using the J-2X engine. It may be it can perform the needed TLI payload without an additional Centaur V 3rd stage.

 In any case, I'll propose here an alternative approach to a single launch Artemis architecture without increasing the service module propellant load. This again will use a light-weight Apollo-sized lander with all the components of Orion capsule/Service Module/lunar lander all carried on that one single SLS launch. Because of the lower propellant load on the service module though I'll also send it to NRHO instead of to low lunar orbit.

 Note the NRHO was chosen by NASA as the orbital location because it has a lower delta-v requirement to get there than going to low lunar orbit. Here’s the the delta-v requirements:

 The second group of delta-v’s shows the delta-v to NRHO as 0.45 km/s and the delta-v to and from the lunar surface from NRHO as 2.75 km/s, or 5.5 km/s round trip.

 I’ve seen various numbers for the Orion and service module dry mass and propellant mass. I’ll use 16.5 total dry mass for the Orion+service module together, and 9 tons of service module propellant mass, but only 8.6 tons of this as usable propellant because of residuals.

 Then we'll use 6 tons of Service module propellant to get the Orion/Service Module/lunar lander to NRHO after being placed on TLI trajectory by the EUS, for the 16.5 ton Orion/Service Module dry mass, and 15 tons gross mass Apollo-sized lander with 2.6 tons left over for the return trip.

 We'll need every bit of performance to accomplish the mission within these constraints. So we'll assume we can get a 324 s Isp out of the storable propellant engines on the service module. This is higher than specified for the Orion service modules engines but is doable because of the storable propellant Aestus engine on the Ariane 5 EPS storable propellant upper stage which gets this vacuum Isp. We'll assume we can get this increased Isp by using a larger expansion ratio nozzle or even by swapping out the engine on the service module to use the Aestus engine. Then we get:

324*9.81Ln(1 + 6/(16.5 + 15 + 2.6 + 0.4)) = 510 m/s, or 0.51 km/s, sufficient for placing the stack in the NRHO orbit, where the 0.4 in the equation is for the unburnt residuals.

 Then with the 2.6 tons usable propellant left over for the return trip, after the lander is jettisoned, we get:

324*9.81Ln(1 + 2.6/(16.5 + 0.4)) = 450 m/s, 0.45 km/s, sufficient for the Orion return.

 To increase performance even more we may want to switch even to the RS-72 engine. This is a turbopump-fed storable propellant engine with a vacuum Isp of 340s. It achieves this by using a higher chamber pressure of 60 bar and higher nozzle expansion ratio of 300 to 1 than the Aestus engine. A turbopump engine also has lower residuals, typically less than 1%. A disadvantage is that pressure-fed engines are simpler with fewer moving parts, and so higher reliability, important for an engine to place the spacecraft in orbit and for leaving orbit.

 Now for the ca. 15 ton gross mass lander, because of the higher delta- v needed from NRHO we’ll use hydrolox rather than storable propellant stage. The Ariane 4 H10 hydrolox upper stage had a 11.8 ton propellant mass and 1.2 ton dry mass. We’ll use a 2 ton dry mass of the crew module:

MAY 1ST, 2014
Orbital’s proposal, outlined in this PDF, involves docking a Cygnus spacecraft with Orion to serve as a habitation and logistics module on longer flights. For these missions, the re-purposed Cygnus would be called the Exploration Augmentation Module (EAM). With its current life support systems used to transport pressurized cargo and experiments to the ISS, Cygnus is stated as being already suitable for the long term support of a crew. While berthed to Orion, Cygnus could support a crew of four for up to 60 days. Cygnus also has the capability of storing food, water, oxygen, and waste and features its own power and propulsion systems. The EAM would utilize the enhanced configuration Cygnus, which will begin flying larger cargoes to the ISS beginning with CRS-4 in 2015. An even larger version is also being proposed, featuring a 4-segment pressurized cargo module.

 Note though the phrasing here is ambiguous. The Cygnus capsule as used as a cargo transport to the ISS contains air, as it would have to for the astronauts at the ISS opening it to retrieve the cargo, but not life support systems. I'm inclined to believe for the usage cited in this article it would be taking life support from the Orion capsule. Then the calculations need to be made for how much mass it would take for life support, thermal management, consumables for an independent crew module.

 Now for the delta-v calculation for our hydrolox lander, we'll assume we can match the max 465 s Isp of the RL-10 engine by giving the Ariane 4 upper stage engine a nozzle extension as used on the RL-10, then we get:

465*9.81Ln(1 + 11.8/(1.2 + 2)) = 7,000 m/s, 7 km/s. This is quite a bit higher than the 5.5 km/s needed for the round trip from NRHO to the lunar surface and back again. But it uses hydrolox propellant so needs extra mass for low-boiloff tech. 

 Low boiloff-tech and long duration hydrolox stages are an important enabling technology. ULA engineers and ULA CEO Tory Bruno have written about this extensively in regards to for example the proposed ACES derivative of the Centaur upper stage. Because of the prior research on low-boiloff tech, an operational version to be fielded in a short time frame to be used on the Artemis missions likely can be done. 

 This shows a single launch mission is doable if going to NRHO, but it is not my preferred plan. A complete orbit around the Moon at NRHO altitude takes about a week, and for the Orion capsule being at NRHO and not low lunar orbit, the lander's crew would have to remain on the Moon about a week before they could return to the Orion in the NRHO orbit. The landers crew module would have to be larger with heavier life support and consumables in this scenario.

 If instead the Orion was at low lunar orbit it takes two hours to complete an orbit and the lunar lander could launch every two hours to rendezvous with the Orion.

 Since the Orion's service module being given an insufficient propellant load is such an obvious design mistake, the preferred route to take would be to correct that error, thereby allowing the missions to take place from low lunar orbit instead of from NRHO.

  Robert Clark

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Towards a manned Indian launcher: an all-liquid LVM3.

 Copyright 2024 Robert Clark

 In the blog post, "A liquid-fueled Indian manned launcher. UPDATED", I suggested the launcher based on the liquid-fueled LVM3 core stage, but replacing the 2 solid side boosters by 4 of the liquid-fueled strap on boosters used on the earlier design, the GSLV Mk. II. Here I'll suggest instead a version using the LVM3 core but getting the added thrust needed for lift-off by adding a 3rd Vikas engine.

GSLV Mk. III Specifications

I have argued using such large SRB's are not price competitive:

It is very likely the same is true for the GSLV Mk  III. Then we'll replace the two SRB boosters by an additional core engine.

 The GSLV Mk. III core stage has specifications listed as:

Core Stage

FuelUnsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine
OxidizerNitrogen Tetroxide
Inert Mass10,600kg
Propellant Mass115,000kg
Launch Mass125,600kg
Propellant TanksAluminum Alloy
FuelUH25 - 75% UDMH, 25% Diazane
OxidizerNitrogen Tetroxide
Propulsion2 Vikas 2
Thrust (SL)677kN
Thrust (Vac)766kN
Specific Impulse293 sec
Engine Dry Weight900kg
Engine Length2.87m
Engine Diameter0.99m
Chamber Pressure58.5bar
Mixture Ratio1.7 (Ox/Fuel)
Turbopump Speed10,000rpm
Flow Rate275kg/s
Area Ratio13.88
Attitude ControlEngine Gimbaling
Burn Time200s
Stage SeparationActive/Passive Collets

 The Vikas 2 engine provides a thrust of 677 kN at sea level, 69 tons-force. The two on the core would be enough just to loft the core only. But we need enough thrust to liftoff a second stage and payload also. So we'll give the core a third Vikas engine.

 The weight of the Vikas is 900 kg. Then the dry mass of the stage with an additional Vikas will be 11,500 kg. 

The cryogenic upper stage has specifications listed as:

Cryogenic Upper Stage

TypeC-25 Cryogenic Upper Stage
FuelLiquid Hydrogen
OxidizerLiquid Oxygen
Inert Mass~4,000kg
Propellant Mass25,000kg
Launch Mass~29,000kg
Propellant TanksAluminum Alloy
Engine TypeGas Generator
Thrust - Vacuum200kN
Operational Range180-220kN
Specific Impulse Vac443s
Engine Mass588kg
Chamber Pressure60bar
Mixture Ratio5.05
Area Ratio100
Thrust to Weight34.7
Burn Time580s
GuidanceInertial Platform, Closed Loop
Attitude Control2 Vernier Engines
Restart CapabilityRCS for Coast Phase

  Now plug in the data for the payload estimator:

Where we assume by just using a nozzle extension the Isp can be raised from 443s to the 465s max Isp of the RL10 engine.

 The resulting payload to LEO is:

 This is half the 10 ton payload of the current version of the LVM3 with the large solid side boosters. However, it has the advantage of not using the problematical solid side boosters with their safety concerns for manned flights. 

 The all-liquid version is also likely to be significantly cheaper than the one with solid side boosters as large solid boosters are not price competitive to just using an additional liquid fueled engine.

It is notable a 5 ton class launcher is sufficient to launch a crewed capsule to orbit since the Gemini capsule had a toal mass of 3,800 kg:


First flight: 8-Apr-1964; first manned flight 23-Mar-1965 (Gemini 3)
Last flight: 11-Nov-1966 (Gemini 12)
Number of flights: 13 total; 10 manned
Principal uses: manned earth orbit rendezvous, docking, EVA tests
Unit cost: $13.00 million
Crew size: 2
Overall length: 5.7 m
Maximum diameter: 3.05 m
Habitable volume: 2.55 m3
Launch mass: 3,851 kg
Propellant mass: 455 kg total
RCS total impulse: 1,168 kNs
Primary engine thrust: 710 N
Main engine propellant: NTO/MMH
Total spacecraft delta v: 323 m/s
Power: fuel cells/batteries; 155.0 kWh total

 The payload to LEO also can be increased by weight optimizing the first stage. The stage is similar to the first stage of the Titan II that launched the Gemini capsule to space, except the Titan II's first stage dry mass was 6,000 kg less. Reducing the first stage dry mass input in the payload estimator by 6,000 kg increases the payload to ca. 6,000 kg. 

  Robert Clark


Monday, January 8, 2024

Towards advancing the SpaceX Starship to operational flight: SpaceX should lower the Raptor chamber pressure and thrust level.

 Copyright 2023 Robert Clark

 In the blog post, "Did SpaceX throttle down the booster engines on the IFT-2 test launch to prevent engine failures?", I suggested that SpaceX was able to get the SuperHeavy booster to complete its portion of the ascent in the last test flight by throttling down the thrust on the Raptor engines to less than 75%, and that the Starship upper stage was not able to because its Raptors were run at ~90%.

 Reducing the throttle level reduces the chamber pressure also, from 300 bar to ~225 bar, allowing the Raptor to fire without leaks.

 But if SpaceX lowered the thrust level on the booster to prevent engine failures, why did they not also do this on the Starship upper stage? From the propellant level indicators SpaceX provided on the launch video page, we can estimate the remaining propellant on the Starship just prior to FTS as under 100 tons out of a max 1,200 tons. 

      (The ship is not visible in this image because of its extreme distance just before it exploded.)

 Then we can estimate if the engines were run at less than 75%, the remaining propellant would be in the range of 300 tons. This likely would have been too much SpaceX to reach its goal of getting the Starship to just under orbital velocity:

SpaceX Starship megarocket launches on 2nd-ever test flight, explodes in 'rapid unscheduled disassembly' (video) News.
By Josh Dinner published November 18, 2023
The spacecraft was never expected to reach full orbit around Earth, instead flying on a suborbital trajectory to splash down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii. "We're not targeting orbit today; we're targeting almost orbit," said Siva Bharadvaj, a SpaceX operations engineer, adding that the goal was to "get to a thrust profile similar to what we would need for orbit, but also energy level that the ship would need to dissipate for reentry."

  So what would be the payload possible if we ran both stages at ~75% thrust? A rough estimate would be at approx. 100 tons as a fully reusable launcher, instead of the 150 tons now. A problem with that is the estimated number of refuelings for the Starship HLS used as an lunar lander was perhaps 16. But if the max payload was only 100 tons, then the number of refuelings would rise to 24.

 The idea of using so many refuelings for a lunar landing mission has been controversial. Then we'll look at other approaches. Robert Zubrin has noted it can be done in a single launch by giving the SuperHeavy/Starship a small 3rd stage, a mini Starship. 

 Elon Musk once suggested an expendable version of the Starship could have a 30 to 1 mass ratio:


Elon Musk @elonmusk

        Mar 29, 2019

        Replying to

        @Erdayastronaut and @DiscoverMag

        Probably no fairing either & just 3 Raptor Vacuum engines. Mass ratio of ~30 (1200 tons full, 40 tons empty) with Isp of 380. Then drop a few dozen modified Starlink satellites from empty engine bays with ~1600 Isp, MR 2. Spread out, see what’s there. Not impossible.

 We'll explore this capability. We'll first look at a case where both the SuperHeavy and Starship are expendable stages. A stage generally gets better mass ratio scaled up, so to begin with we'll start off with an estimated mass ratio for the SuperHeavy as about 30 to 1 with the same propellant load as it is now of 3,400 tons but a dry mass of only 115 tons. 

 But that 30 to 1 mass ratio of the Starship is with just 3 engines since an upper stage does not need enough thrust to lift off from the ground. The SuperHeavy scaled up then would only have 9 engines, but this would not be enough for liftoff. We'll take the number of engines on this version of the SuperHeavy to be again 33. Then we need an additional 24 engines. 

 The thrust/weight ratio of the Raptor is about 140 to 1. Assuming we're reducing the operational thrust level of the Raptor to 75%, its thrust would be 0.75*230 tons-force = 172.5 tons-force. At a 140 to 1 T/W ratio its mass would be 1.2 tons. So the additional 24 engines needed would add 24*1.2 = 28.8 tons to the dry mass: 115 + 28.8 = 143.8 tons. Round it up to 150 tons with the additional plumbing and larger thrust structure required.

 However, with the lower sea level thrust of our 75%-throttle Raptors, the 2-stage SH/SS would have low T/W ratio. We'll also look at a case of adding small 3rd stage of size ~300 tons. Adding a ~300 ton 3rd stage reduces the T/W to barely above 1. Then it would be advisable to add 2 more Raptors to the booster, bringing it to 35. There should be sufficient room beneath the booster for an additional 2 Raptors. 

 The total thrust of the SuperHeavy at sea level is now 35*172.5 = 5,950 tons-force, 58,400 kiloNewtons(kN). We'll use the payload estimator. This takes the vacuum Isp and vacuum thrust as inputs even for first stage engines. For the lower chamber pressure, ~ 225 bar corresponding to the reduced thrust, we would also have lower vacuum Isp. Call it about that of the Raptor 1 so ~ 350s. Then the vacuum thrust for this version of the Raptor would be (350/327)*172.5 = 184.6 tons-force. For the 35 SuperHeavy engines that's 35*184.6 = 6,460 tons-force, 63,400 kN vacuum thrust. For the dry mass for the 35 engine stage we'll raise it to 152.4 tons.

 For the Starship upper stage, the Raptor Vacuum will still have a vacuum Isp of 380s. However, we are keeping 3 sea level Raptors and 3 vacuum Raptors. Then the average Isp for the upper stage will be 370s. The vacuum thrust calculates out to be 11,500 kN. 

 With the 3 additional Raptor engines being vacuum engines the added weight will be higher than that of just 3 additional sea level engines. We'll take the dry mass  of the new upper stage to be 45,000 kg.

 Then the input page to the page looks like:

 And the payload results are:

  The expendable payload value of 264 tons is more than the expendable payload of the current SH/SS of 250 tons even-though the new version would be at 75% thrust level. This surprising result must be due the greatly reduced dry mass of both stages. 

 But even more surprising is the payload possible to translunar injection(TLI). In the calculator this option is indicated by selecting "Escape Trajectory" for "Destination". In the "Hyperbolic, C3" field enter, -1.0. This number indicates how far beyond escape velocity the flight needs. In this case, it's negative since you don't quite have to get to escape velocity to reach the Moon. 

 Then the estimated payload is:

 The payload would be ~75 tons sent to rendevous with the Moon.This is far beyond what Apollo at ~43 tons or SLS even in its later Block 2 version at ~46 tons to TLI could do as a single launch architecture. This would allow wide latitude in how you would design the in-space stages and lander to reach the surface of the  Moon.

 A Three-Stage SuperHeavy/Starship/mini-Starship.

 A basic principle of spaceflight is high delta-v missions, such as missions to the Moon or Mars, can be done more efficiently with more stages. Robert Zubrin has proposed a "mini-Starship" as a 3rd stage for the SuperHeavy/Starship. He trenchantly observed, "The Starship is a reusable Saturn V. It is not a LEM". Addition of a 3-rd stage would allow even higher payload to the Moon. Say, the mass ratio of ~30 to 1 can be retained for the 3rd stage at ca. 300 propellant load and ca. 10 tons dry mass, using a single Raptor vacuum of 380s Isp and 1,900 kN vacuum thrust. This gives an input page result:

 Then the payload to TLI would be ~105 tons:

 This is regarding the SH/SS/mini-SS as a launcher analogous to the 3-stage Saturn V for the Apollo missions. This would require additional in-space stage(s) for doing the landing. However, the payload to TLI is so high this mini-Starship could itself serve as the lander for a round-trip mission to the Moon's surface with a capsule or habitat of ~15 tons mass. This is a mass 50% higher than the mass of the Orion capsule that could be carried not just to a lunar orbit planned for Orion, but all the way to the lunar surface and back to Earth again.

 Flights to Mars.

 Addition of a third stage also allows more efficient flights to Mars in a single launch. This graphic gives the C3 needed for flights to the planets:

 For Mars it is about 14 km2 /s2. The TMI payload to Mars is then:

  A payload of 86 tons sent towards Mars for trans-Mars injection(TMI) as a single flight architecture.

 These are for expendable versions of SuperHeavy/Starship. Elon Musk has estimated the cost of the SH/SS as in the range $100 million to $200 million. Even as expendable this is a greatly reduced cost than the SLS cost of $4 billion per flight.

Estimates of Reusable Payloads.

 The reduction of cost of a flight to the Moon and Mars to only a couple of hundred million dollars rather than multi-billions makes the expendable versions worthwhile. But SpaceX is committed to reusability. 

 Elon has said full reusability would lose 40 to 50% off payload. And even the reusability only for the first stage loses a quite significant 30% from the payload. These are from using powered boost back approach to landing. The propellant that must be kept on reserve, unused during the ascent for the boost back and landing is in the range of 7%. For the 3,400 ton prop load SuperHeavy this ~240 tons. This is doubly disadvantageous for payload in that not only can this prop not be used during flight to orbit but it also acts like additional dead-weight that must be carried in flight.

 Elon Musk has said powered, vertical landing is preferred over horizontal, winged landing because it can be used on airless or low atmospheric worlds such as the Moon and Mars. However, SpaceX needs to do a trade study to see which method results in the least payload lost. Wings typically take up about 5 to 10% of the gross weight of an aircraft. For a vertical launch rocket using non-lifting trajectory on ascent to orbit, this 5 to 10% would only have to be of the dry weight of the craft since aerodynamic lift would be used only during return when the stage is nearly empty. 

 So for the SuperHeavy the added weight of the wings would only have to be 7.5 to 15 tons compared to the 240 tons needed for the vertical landing method. Actually, it likely can be even smaller than the 5%. For one thing rather than using large wings such as used on the Shuttle. It could use short, stubby wings instead. The large wings of the shuttle were due to competing requirements by NASA and the Air Force for where the Shuttle should be able to land. 

Examples of how they could look instead might be those of the X-37 and of the Skylon:

 For the Skylon by using carbon-fiber the wing weight was only 2% of the landed weight. This is 2% of the full gross weight because it used a horizontal liftoff. But since the Starship will be using a vertical liftoff and non-lifting trajectory, the wings only have to support the weight of the vehicle on return, so that 2% only has to be calculated on just the dry weight. The specialty high strength stainless steel used on the Starship might be preferred for the wings as well since it would have about the same strength but have reduced thermal shielding requirements. 

 The landing gear weight can be taken as only 3%:

 This likely can be reduced by half to ~1.5% by carbon-fiber or the specialty steel used on the Starship.

 Finally, the thermal protection such as SpaceX’s PICA-X might only add on additional 8% of the dry weight.

  So these extra systems required for reusability will only add a proportionally small amount to the dry mass, and so subtract only a proportionally small amount from the payload.


  Bob Clark

Implications of the coming era of commercial heavy launch: point-to-point transport for both cargo and passengers.

 Copyright 2025 Robert Clark The new era of heavy launch.   By Gary Oleson   The Space Review   July 24, 2023   https://www.thespacereview.c...